Real estate sector acts in the level of Infrastructure Operation Department in Infrakos jsc, which manages the property of Infrakos in the entire territory of Kosova where railway lines are spread property that Infrakos does not use it during its business and it’s dedicated for rent to create financial revenues for the economic development of the company. Property-railway premises are given for rent according to requests of clients to exercise economic-business activities where clients must be serious in establishment of mandatory relations and to met conditions and criteria for fulfillment of obligations as determined with the contract.
Real estate sector offers these unused properties for rent as follows
1. Offices or business premises
2. Closed depots
3. Opened depots
4. Opened surfaces
In opened surface its enabled to client according to his request to place montage object with temporary character as per consent and conditions and criteria determined with the Regulation for providing property with rent, as well as of the urban permission provided by the municipal competent body.
It’s not allowed in any form the construction of business object with strong material.
If lessee wishes to invest in adaptation, refit of premises in points 1-3 for exercise of its business activities, he can do it with its own financial means but without compensation from Infrakos, basing on the presented written and approved request from the respective Commission of Infrakos which gives consent for renovation, but without modifying the existing construction of the previous object, as well as its peril, and when its necessary to seek for the opinion of civilian engineering engineer.
Contract to give Infrakos property for rent it’s given for 1 year with possibility to continue it for another year if the lessee meets all obligations on time and does not present written request for termination of usage for property with rent.
Contract can be terminated even beforehand in these occasions:
– if the lessee uses the property with rent in contradiction with the foreseen conditions with contract where with his actions causes damages to the landlord.
– if the lessee does not pay in term of 30 days
– if the lessee, the property taken with rent, or a part of the property gives it for rent to a third person.
– With a written request from both parties with a two months prior notice.
Real estate sector demands from all organs and institutions of all instances in Kosovo, to undertake all necessary measures in the level of Laws applicable in Kosovo for protection of Infrakos property from usurpers as well as from other wrongdoers which usurp damage the property construct, or in different forms annex infrakos property with which they are enriched to the detriment of the company and of the state itself, because this is a treasure of Kosovo state and it must be protected with all means.