
K O S O V O  R A I L W A Y S  M U S E U M

 The Museum as an institution preserves evidences of our culture, of the past, and the slow evolution in eternal searching of rail worker for the splendid as irreplaceable precondition, of society, humanism, today and the railway of tomorrow.

This publication dedicated to the museum of Kosovo Railways, is one of the strongest means for notification of broader public with the content and real value of this small treasure of Kosovo Railways history and culture.

This, simultaneously is a strong mean to recover the non confidence caused by de-recognition of the role and importance of Kosovo Railways. In the end, these are works of benefactors – rail workers faithful to art giving pleasure to esthetics, whereas to ease further studies to experts of this traffic domain in our country.

Kosovo Railways Museum is unique amongst national museums in Kosovo. The initiative for establishment – construction of this institution came spontaneously in September 2006 and ended on 24 August 2007 when the solemn inauguration took place in the presence of Kosovo Railways workers and many guests from Kosovo Government, UNMIK and KFOR invited.

Kosovo Railways workers used the offered possibility and gathered collections exposed in this Museum, which can be seen by a broader public. Alignment of exhibits has been performed basing on the determined professional criteria.

Kosovo Railways workers, unit for MVH in Kaçanik and Fushe Kosove, workshop for maintenance of wagons and service of SS TK and EN equipments in Fushe Kosove,  during 2006 up to 24 August 2007, collected books, manuscripts, tools, stamps, old and nowadays pictures of railway transport which they disposed in the Kosovo Railways Museum.

Today, has been realized the aim that in a terrific and elegant edition »Kosovo Railways Museum« with its existing collections, illustrated with pictures and short descriptions, has its doors open for researchers with acute taste, which in this museum shall find the source of esthetic pleasure. Viewing it from the historic aspect, the museum in a sense is an appropriate depot for gathering, adjustment and preservation of this collection for successors, all what has not disappeared on the occasion of extinction of many collections and the past. Museum is a sort of shelter for old collections that people and events have separated them with force from their natural environment and left them aside – without respective environment. For this, professional services of the museum are engaged to ensure preservation, renewal and best placement of these technical tools and to protect them from the events of time.

Usually, in this time of “war” for existence, come out few difficulties as well. Modern times, indifferent “visitors” and with no good intention, with their actions, maybe unintentionally cause no measurable damages of historic values and of the past of Kosovo Railways.

Opposite these facts exist positive requests for education and development of culture domain in Kosovo Railways. Thus idea came out for establishment – construction of Kosovo Railways museum, in logical manner, even though many problems and many works remain uncompleted. For this, should think Kosovo Railways workers and the readers of this manual for Kosovo Railways Museum.

Connections that result between the observer and the existing collection present only the admiration towards the visual view and necessary clearing, therefore for the visitor to consider these experiences relevant for himself and the time Kosovo Railways are passing through.

Kosovo Railways Museum enters amongst the corresponding museums in our country for preservation of valuable heritages of the past and obligation for care, preservation, protection and enrichment with new values.

For your curiosity, this Museum, in organized and individual manner is being visited mainly by preschool children, elementary and secondary schools, students and representatives of KFOR and international visitors.